Carnation Paper Flower DIY

Carnation Paper Flower DIY
I've been making DIY paper flowers for as long as I can remember. Don't get me wrong. I prefer fresh blossoms but some occasions just call for petals that never wilt. One of my go-to blooms would have to be these carnation paper flowers. They're easy and there's not much complexities involved. All you'd have to do is twist, twist and twist! 

Carnation Paper Flower DIY
Tools and Materials: Bamboo Skewers | Double Sided Tape | Crepe Paper | Scissors

STEP 1: Take a piece of bamboo skewer or stick. Cut off the pointed end and loop a small piece of double sided tape around it. This is what will hold the flower up.

STEP 2: Cut about 3 inches in length from your crepe paper. Be sure that you buy crepe paper in folds not rolls. It just makes life easier especially in terms of cutting. Stick one end to the top of the bamboo skewer where we first placed some tape.

STEP 3: Roll out the paper, twisting the stick as you go along. Roll tight at the beginning as seen in the photo above and then gradually loosen up to make the petals appear blooming.

STEP 4: Crumple up some pieces together to create texture while you twist. Don't roll continuously and smoothly because you'd end up with something like a tissue roll!

Carnation Paper Flower DIY
STEP 5: With the last 4 inches of your crepe paper, twist it tight until it resembles a rope or twine.

STEP 6: Coil that around really tightly along the base of your flower to fasten it. This will keep your hard work from untangling. Tape the end to the stick. This shall resemble the flower's receptacle, the fat upper end of the stem.

STEP 7: Get more of that double sided tape and put it around the 'receptacle'. Cut a green colored crepe paper that's around an inch in size and coil it all over that.

STEP 8: Continue coiling the green paper down the stick. When you reach the end, tape it and then snip the excess. Voila! You have your very own DIY carnation paper flower!

Carnation Paper Flower DIY
Carnation Paper Flower DIY

I personally made these for my sister's Alice in Wonderland party but you can also put them in a vase and use them as a room decor. Another way would be to tie some twine across your wall. With small wooden clothespins, hang them up alongside postcards and favorite photos like this!

If you do decide to make these DIY carnation paper flowers, don't forget to share them with me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook! Use #craftswithanne so I can easily find them. Before you leave, tell me what your favorite flower is down in the comments below! I like peonies and lilies. *wink*

Other Alice in Wonderland DIYs and Party Ideas:
Upcycling a Box for Storage
DIY Chesire Cat and Signboards

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