Running away comes with a stigma. People shun it. Many look down upon it. Most often than not, it is unwelcomed, suppressed and muffled. But here’s to that girl who decided to pack her bags and leave or to that someone who left everything in sheer abandon. It’s okay.
It’s okay to run away from people. Toxic relationships are vile and can taint you. Do not be afraid to flee from a friend who’ll willingly stab you and make up stories no matter how much you care and forgive. Do not be scared to end a relationship with a boy whose hobby is to break your heart. Do not be petrified in fleeing from relatives who’ve consistently made you question the definition of family. As they say, life is a decision. It is a series of choices. The people you choose to surround yourself with will leave an imprint on you. They will teach you lessons which could range from euphoric to heartbreaking. When the relationship becomes too toxic beyond repair and you’ve done everything that you could, do not be afraid to walk away.
It’s okay to run away from hurt feelings. There comes a point when all you want to do is explode like a grenade. But after the explosion will you remain intact or will everything go crumbling down including yourself? It’s okay to move on. It’s okay to forgive even when sometimes the person you hand it to did not ask for it nor deserve it. Do not let hurt taint the goodness of your heart. Moving on and letting go is a process. It’s a difficult journey but one worth the trip.
It’s okay to run away from something you’re not passionate about. Many of us do not have the luxury to run after what our hearts truly desire. This can be a talent you’d like to pursue, a passion you’d like to center your career on or a life that you’ve chosen for yourself and not what others have written and decided for you. Do not be afraid to break the norms. Many people live and die in misery knowing that they did not run after what could have made their lives the most memorable journey they could ever imagine. Yes you might fall and that could hurt but doesn’t the knowledge that you could have possibly succeeded but never tried hurt equally as much?
There is nothing wrong about running off into the sunrise. It’s fine to go off in an adventure and leave your baggage to start anew. It’s okay to move on from hurt feelings and toxic people. You owe it to yourself to be free. You owe it to yourself to live and be happy. If running away is a choice that you’re given, remember that not everyone who chooses to stay finds themselves. Sometimes you have to be lost to be found. You need to let go in order to save yourself.
To the girl who ran away, I salute you. Not everyone is brave enough.
(This article was later published on Candy Magazine. View it here.)
(This article was later published on Candy Magazine. View it here.)
I make up stories in my head. I'm a dreamer and sometimes perhaps a lunatic. Writing keeps me sane and while I'm no New York Times Best Seller (yet), I'd love to call myself an author. This blog serves as my digital manuscript. I've kept countless poems, stories and whimsical thoughts for years but never got to share them publicly for fear that people would steal them and take the credit. (Which someone already did by the way! If you're planning to do the same then scoot. I can track you down like a bloodhound.) But it would likewise be a pain to keep them for myself. I'd love for people to enjoy them as I did writing them. Open Letters is a compilation of mostly fictional messages dedicated to whoever finds themselves ensnared within the context. — Anne Macachor
You've got such an intresting blog, I'll probably come back here:)
strong words! :D
Have a great week!
Animated Confessions
Running away is my medicine whenever I feel hurt or in pain. I usually spend days away just to reminisce and refresh my mind and ease the pain :)
Live Blog Love by Hazel Asoy
Love this post<3 thanks for sharing, do you want to support each other by following each other's blog?:) please let me know if you are interested so I can follow you right away:)
Sometime in our life, we need to this.
We need to ran away and forget about everything and leave it there/
The Bandwagon Chic |
| Bloglovin
This is really beautiful, Anne. I agree, running away doesn't always mean defeat. What it just means is that you're strong enough to go away from the things that makes you unhappy. :)
Jhanz | www.jhanzey.net
Oh thank you! That's so sweet. :)
Thanks Sybil!
That's true! It's one way to rejuvenate and recharge.
Thanks Hilary!
True. :)
Oh wow that is weird and crazy! That gave me a good laugh. Thanks for your long and insightful comment Olivia! ;)
Definitely! Thank you Jhanzey!
Oh and I've read your posts about your trip to Cebu! I'm glad you had fun in one of the places I consider home. :)
Cebu is definitely for the books! We plan to come back again sometime next year hehe! :D
It does take a lot of courage and strength to turn back on something we want or something others want for us.
Louise | www.louisechelleblog.com
Added you in my reading list. Hope we can be blogger friends :)
Thank you Louise! Yes of course. :)
This is such a great post! I've often wondered at what strength it must take to move on so fearlessly. Thanks for sharing :)
I love your blog it's so beautiful and unique. I also agree what this post is about, sometimes we all need a little break.
This is a beautiful text. Also nice thoughts! :)
Thank you Chelcy and you're welcome!
Thank you Nikkita!
Thanks Maeva! :)
wow your blog is so beautiful !!
I had a great read :D
keep in touch
I guess it's a matter of making our own decisions and learning from them. Forgiveness is something that can set us free!
This is so beautifully written, Anne and yes, I wish more have the courage to leave toxic relationships. I walked out of my first marriage because of the same reason, it wasn't easy but looking back now, it was one of the best decision I made in my life.
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
This is a great post, I agree that running away from negative relationships is certainly a brave, yet worthwhile, thing to do. Toxic relationships only drag us down.
Rachel xx
Lovely text. I totally agree with all of it, I always want to run away from my feelings when life gets too much.
Thank you Jadiee!
It really does Rea.
Thanks Shireen! That's true. Sometimes we hurt more by holding on than by letting go. It's a tough call but there are cases when you really have to do it. And that takes guts.
Right on point. Thanks Rachel!
Thank you Kelsey & Kenecha!
Me too Anne! I salute men and women who have the courage to run away from relationships that are not healthy anymore. ^_^
Good to know you thought the same Channel! :)
I occasionally go on runs, am I running away from something tooo? This deep post made me wonder. hehehehe
That's for you to answer Vernon. Hehe. ;)
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