Happy Sunday everyone! I've been hoping to do this post for as long as I can remember. I wanted some sugar rush kind of fun with my BFFs and my sister on my 21st birthday (FYI that was so two months ago. See how late this is? Ooooh time flies so fast!) and we managed to insert one amidst our busy schedules. I was frantically searching for a dessert shop in Cebu which is one: satisfies my cravings and two: ain't brutal to my wallet. Luckily Google led me to one called Butter + Love.
After the Storm (Yolanda aka Haiyan)

Bacolod Travel Diary Part 3: Provincial Capitol, Negros Museum, Pasalubong at Pendy's and Merci
Hi everyone! I know it's been a very long time and this last bit of my Bacolod travel diary has been long overdue. Too many pending posts in so little time. If only time can be purchased, people would probably hoard it from the shelves! In fact, our little trip to the Capitol Park and Lagoon, Provincial Capitol and Negros Museum was done in an hour. Yes an hour! We had no more day offs left and we didn't want to go back to Cebu with only the Mambukal Falls and Calea Pastries and Coffee checked on our list. So we did the only thing we could think of. Lunch break opportunity!
travel diary