Food for Thought: Out and Cold

There are days when my eyes begin to water and I have to constantly pinch my nose. Here we go again. The uninvited common cold rears its ugly head. I try to shoo it away with lots of aqua but alas, it comes even when unwelcomed.

Just like the common cold, there are points in our life that we just have to face and live through. No matter how we keep on running, they eventually catch up. It's okay to fail, to feel left out, to be abandoned, to be sad. We are after all emotional beings and without knowing how the lowest of lows can get, one can never really tell how exhilarating the highest of highs feel like.

One has to accept the bad times and learn from them. Instead of cursing your way through or throwing a pity party, you have to pick up the broken pieces. Stick them back up and who knows you might end up with a far better version of yourself. Sometimes we have to break in order to find a better us. Sometimes you have to leave out a few of the broken shards, let them go and start anew.

This year I lost a lot of people, physically and emotionally. It hurt, that's no doubt but then again I can't simply stay put and sulk. I had to pull a smile, straighten my shoulders and keep my chin high. I decided to write down the things that made me and those that broke me. I realized that even if those sad times crept up, there were also notable moments that pushed me afloat to cloud nine. Yes there were things I lost but with such loss, I found more. Everything happens for a reason after all. You can never walk through life always losing. If you look more carefully, you've picked up pieces. No matter how small or irrelevant they were at the moment, they actually matter. They are the missing pieces of the broken you. They eventually fill the void and the gap. They complete you.

So the next time that you feel an unwelcome visitor disturb the blissful moment that you are in, remember that it's not the end. It's just a phase and you will be surprised that you've made it through. It may seem unlikely at the moment but hey, we never know what the future holds right?

Now excuse me as I go and fetch another box of tissues. This cold is being a little too stubborn. At least my mom's got a stash of cutesy floral printed ones and my little sister's not minding my being too clingy at the moment. I'm a hugger, just so you guys know.

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