Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
I'm all for a fun DIY project and I have a penchant for incorporating my craftaholic tendencies to pretty much anything and everything under the sun including my food. So to take a short break from all the Alice in Wonderland DIY projects I've been sharing lately, let's take a little trip to one of Cebu's fun restaurants called Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco. Now of we go to the world of endless pizza toppings!

Pizza Republic offers its customers quality Italian pizza cooked in a wood-fired brick oven. This is nothing new to Cebu anymore but what separates this restaurant apart is its "DIY" concept. Customers will get to choose what they'd want to put in their pizza from the sauces down to the spices. What's even more enticing is that there is no limit on the toppings. You can go as little, as many or as crazy as you want all for ₱245. 

I first got to try this place with my little sister who gets the credit for telling me about it when it initially opened shop. During one of our "errand" trips, I decided to treat her out and try the place at the same time. #SisterDuties. 

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Apart from good food, I tend to judge restaurants in terms of their aesthetic appeal and interiors. I simply find comfort in places that incorporate art, regardless of  medium. Pizza Republic has this amazing modern and industrial feel with its exposed pipes, wooden patchwork walls, metal accents and distressed wooden floors. I find it definitely manly but one that also satisfies my feminine tastes. 

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Oh pizza I love you so. Will you marry me? LOL! These framed pieces surely made me giggle. Luckily, I didn't choke down on my food. Whew.

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
If you find yourself stuck in a rut with all the overwhelming topping choices, you can simply consult with their huge and creative wall installation  that bears the ingredient combination of fun and traditional pizza flavors.

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
The DIY pizza making process is composed of seven steps as follows: 

#1: Dough — You'll see a freshly rolled out ten inch pizza dough handled by one of the staff. Yes you get to watch actual kneading action and dough twirling. Because guys, all we 'knead' is love. Get it? Get it?

#2: Sauce — You have the option to choose between the tomato and white sauces. Since I wanted to try both, I went with half tomato and half white sauce. Crazy, I know! 

#3: Cheese — This was my favorite part. I'm a sucker for cheese and they had a pretty wide variety like the Parmesan, Gorgonzola, cream cheese, white cheese and mozzarella. I won't lie, I pretty much asked for everything.

#4: Meat — The choices for the meat was extensive but according to my sister, there were a lot of choices missing from when she previously went there. Now this is the part where I'd try to make a meat pun but then again I'd probably butcher it so never mind.

#5: Vegetables/Etc — Here you'd find the bell peppers, capers, onions, mushrooms and even the eggs. I seriously regret not putting in an egg on our pizza. I have always been curious about how it would taste but my excited smell detector was getting the better of me and I blanked. Maybe next time.

#6: Herbs and Spices — Just like cheese, I am a fan of herbs and spices. I just love how they smell. You get to pick among basil, fried garlic chips, pesto, oregano, rosemary, chili flakes and more. I went for basil, oregano and LOTS of chili flakes. Say "aye" if you love spicy food too!

#7: Oven — Your DIY pizza will now go straight to the brick oven! This is also where you pay for your order which is ₱245 for a ten inch pizza. Proceed to your table and wait for your order to be served. In the mean time, take loads of selfies, group-fies, we-fies or whatever with the pretty industrial interiors!

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco
I know these photos don't look like much but I tell you it did taste great! There was a certain flavor to it that we cannot quite describe. I particularly loved the hints of oregano and chili flakes against the white sauce. My sister on the other hand loved all the cheeses with the mushrooms but definitely avoided parts where there were loads of chili flakes. Sorry about that! Nonetheless, it was a lovely experience at Pizza Republic. I just wish that they had more options when it comes to pizza sizes for people with bigger appetites like us. Ha! More sister dates to come!

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco is located at Salinas Drive, Cebu City. You can find it along the road that passes through the Waterfront Hotel and Casino. They are open daily from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm and can be reached at (032) 266-1000.

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