Neverland with Landybridal

Bittersweet Cookies

I baked cookies for her one day,
But then it all got burnt away.
So I brought the cookies out to throw,
But then she snatched them all up to stow.
scribbled poetry,
Mermaid Tales with Cocomelody

Silky hair. Tails for feet. Salty air. Coral filled streets. Mermaids are no doubt ethereal and enchanting creatures of the sea. They fill pages upon pages of books and live within the realms of folklore and myths. There's something about their otherworldly nature that captures our attention and curiosity. They're magical and mysterious, do you agree?
5 Occasions When the Food Delivery Guy Equals Bae

Nook Cafe: Manila's Harry Potter Themed Cafe

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one knows where to find the best cup of butterbeer. Unfortunately, a plane ticket to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and not to mention to either Japan or London is outright impossible at the moment, much to my chagrin of course. If only I could utter "accio moolah" and money will fall unto my lap. *Sigh* But because Harry loves me and Hermione tinkered with some spells, a Harry Potter themed cafe magically appeared along Quezon City's Maginhawa Street! Obviously, my sister Rhob, cousin David and I hopped onto our Firebolts (aka our grandma's walis ting-ting) and dashed to the Nook Cafe in a heartbeat.
DIY Alice in Wonderland Photo Booth

As I've mentioned before, I love an Alice in Wonderland party. I like the quirkiness of it all, the mismatched details and the peculiar characters. Simply put, I have a penchant for crazy and weird. *laughs* When my sister had her birthday party prepped to this theme, I saw to it that we had our very own photo booth that's equal parts wonky and cute. I made sure to document the process as well so I can share it with you!