Best Friend

anne writes shorties,
short stories
Puerto Galera Travel Diary: Tamaraw Falls

puerto galera,
travel diary
Word Vomit: 25 and Perfectly Imperfect

I used to think that I'll have things figured out by adulthood. (Read 20's post-university.) Surprise! I don't. While 10 year old me would be disappointed and my 16 year old self would definitely panic, present Anne would be totes okay with it. Wow, I never thought I'd say that. Time apparently changes a lot of things. Even people. Even me.
word vomit
Puerto Galera Travel Diary: Virgin Island

puerto galera,
travel diary
How to Travel Without a Passport

Itching to travel but don't have the bucks to get your passport tattooed? Me too! *ugh* But as what I'd like to tell my friends, you don't have to burn through your bank account to have an adventure of a lifetime. There are ways for us to travel without having to cross continents or carve a gaping hole on our wallets. Curious yet? I've got some tricks! (Stay till the end for a surprise.)
Spotlight: Nicole Angeles aka Riyokki

Puerto Galera Travel Diary: Mangrove Conservation and Ecotourism Area

puerto galera,
travel diary
Puerto Galera Travel Diary: Mangyan Village

puerto galera,
travel diary
Puerto Galera Travel Diary: White Beach

I have never traveled so far to see the beach. Growing up in Cebu, it was always just a half or an hour away by car. Moving to Manila made me realize that it was something I apparently missed. I've always said I was no beach bum and maybe perhaps I still am more of the mountain lover but there's a certain charm that the salt water brings especially when it presents itself in various shades of blue. Puerto Galera's White Beach was 3 hours away by bus and another 2 hours by boat. Was it worth the trouble? Definitely.
puerto galera,
travel diary
7 Must-See Places in Puerto Galera + Vlog, Itinerary, Budget and Lodging

puerto galera,
travel diary,
Blue Jersey

What could it be? A vision maybe?
It was all a blur. It feels slightly obscure.
I remember a jersey. It was all I could see.
10 Signs Anne Curtis is Your Long Lost Unnie
"Daebak". An entire book of adjectives can be used to describe Anne Curtis, the Philippine's award winning princess of all media, but nothing quite encapsulates her better than this Korean slang word. The fact that she's relatable and very "makulit" makes her even more endearing to her fans. In fact, she could be your big sister! (Or mine. Hey, we have the same name!) Not sure? Check out the following signs. She might just be your long lost unnie.
Word Vomit: On Turning 4

word vomit
How to Bring Your Clothes Back from the Dead

In with the new, out with the old. Trends come and go. But this doesn't mean that you'd have to throw all your old clothes away. That's just not practical. So what's a girl got to do? Resurrect departed (read boring) clothes back from the dead! To help you out, I’ve rounded up some DIY ideas that’ll breathe life into your lackluster wardrobe. Transform them from blah to bam with these five tricks!
Spotlight: Oona the Creative Enthusiast
When life takes on a sharp route towards boredom-land, the slightest glimpse of creativity can be the very spark we need to turn monotony into excitement. I for one gravitate towards visual and literary cues. They're my fuel and I believe I'm no stranger to this feeling. It is for this reason that I've decided to resurrect Spotlight, a blog series where I introduce some of the creative folks I stalk idolize from all over the world. Today, I'm focusing the limelight on Oona Holtane, Chicago based illustrator and designer with a penchant for art, music and British humor.
Shopee: Women Who Werq It with Camille Co

How do women "werq" it? How do we walk the talk? Females are no doubt multi-hyphenates. We all juggle a lot of roles so others can't help but stare in wonder. Truth be told, we each have our ways just the same as we are all unique. If we do try to look closely however, we'll soon realize that there are common denominators: food and fashion. Who would've guessed it would be so simple?
To My Unnamed Prince Charming

anne writes shorties,
short stories
Googly Gooeys: Brush Lettering and Watercolor Workshop

I never imagined that I would come to associate the word "therapeutic" with watercolor. Growing up, I've gotten myself into various arts and crafts but never had the chance to experiment with the medium not until lately. Now, I could add it to the list of things I'd rather be doing on a Friday night. Apart from reading and writing (or eating) of course.